It is feasible for a single-practitioner podiatry practice to add weight bearing CT (WBCT) imaging and realize economical…

pedCAT: Optimal Visualization of Metal Implants and Hardware
One advantage of CT imaging over MRI imaging is the ability to scan patients with metal implants. However, the CT scans may still suffer from severe artifacts that usually show up as streaks or dark, obscured areas. Although artifact reduction technologies continue to improve image quality, metal implants can still pose a major challenge to diagnosis.
Radiologists and foot and ankle specialists are routinely impressed with the pedCAT’s ability to visualize complex post-surgical cases. To schedule an in-office demo to view these cases in more detail, contact your CurveBeam sales representative today.
The pedCAT cone beam CT imaging system for the foot and ankle provides high resolution, high quality imaging, even with metal implants and hardware.