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Webinar: Pitfalls In Hindfoot and Ankle deformities tackled by weightbearing CT
You are invited to join FOOTinnovateTM and Dr. Arne Burrssens for the webinar “Pitfalls In Hindfoot and Ankle deformities tackled by weightbearing CT” sponsored by Curvebeam.
Click here to register.
Dr. Burrssens is an orthopedic surgery resident at Ghent University in Flanders, Belgium. During his one-hour presentation on Monday, June 5, 2017 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM (W. Europe Standard Time), he will discuss his personal experience with weight bearing CT and reveal how it has improved his patient care. He’ll also share a few specific cases to provide a deeper look into his work.
Dr. Burrssens is co-author of the article “Weightbearing CT in normal hindfoot alignment — Presence of a constitutional valgus?” published in February 2017 by the journal Foot and Ankle Surgery. The purpose of the study was to assess hindfoot alignment using weightbearing CT.
The research concluded that weightbearing CT provides an objective assessment of hindfoot alignment with reproducible results, which can aid a surgeon during a calcaneal osteotomy.
PLEASE NOTE: You must register for this session at least 15 minutes prior to the start time. Click here to create a free account.