IWBCTS Symposium at EFAS
The Intenational Weight Bearing CT Society (IWBCTS) held its next symposium, titled “Recent Advances in 3D Imaging Applied to WBCT” at the Eurpean Foot & Ankle Society (EFAS) Congress in Lyon, France on Oct. 22, 2021. The session featured the following talks:
Daily use of WBCT in collaboration with emergency physicians: a 2 years experience– Philippe Beaudet (France)
Title TBA– Cesar de Cesar Netto (USA)
Hips to Toes – Height Matters – Andy Goldberg (UK)
To learn more about IWBCTS, please visit www.wbctsociety.org.
WBCT Society is an independent research organization. CurveBeam is a proud platinum sponsor.