WBCT Imaging: An Emerging Modality in Orthopedics Itinerary: Introduction & technical overview of orthopedic weight…

IWBCTS Symposium at EFAS
The Intenational Weight Bearing CT Society (IWBCTS) held its next symposium, titled “Recent Advances in 3D Imaging Applied to WBCT” at the Eurpean Foot & Ankle Society (EFAS) Congress in Lyon, France on Oct. 22, 2021. The session featured the following talks:
Daily use of WBCT in collaboration with emergency physicians: a 2 years experience– Philippe Beaudet (France)
Title TBA– Cesar de Cesar Netto (USA)
Hips to Toes – Height Matters – Andy Goldberg (UK)
To learn more about IWBCTS, please visit www.wbctsociety.org.
WBCT Society is an independent research organization. CurveBeam is a proud platinum sponsor.