CONFERENCE: DAF Congress 2021
The Deutschen Assooziation fur Fuss und Sprunggelenk (DAF), originally scheduled for April 15-16, 2021, took place November 18-19, 2021. The theme for that year's conference is "Feet and Sport - From Children to Senior Citizens." The program featured a Weight…
Orthopaedic Summit - Evolving Techniques Bellagio Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV December 11 - 14, 2021
Booth Talk: Dr. Mark Easley at AOFAS
Dr. Mark Easley will be speaking on From Scanning to Planning to Placement: How Digital Innovations Revolutionized My TAAs at AOFAS 2021. There are three times Easley will speak and they are listed below. All mini symposiums will be taking…
EORS Annual Meeting 2021
The WBCT Society met for their first in-person symposium in over a year at the EORS. The WBCT Society promotes dialogue and collaboration on weight bearing CT research initiatives and is working to create standardized protocols for weight bearing CT…
EFAS Lyon Congress 2021
EFAS aims to promote the development of foot and ankle surgery and to advance education, study, and research in this specialty. EFAS will meet its goal of the advancement of the science and education in foot and ankle pathology, conservative and…
Eurasian Orthopedic Forum
The scientific program of the event is timed to the 100th anniversary of the CITO im. N.N. Priorov and the 100th anniversary of G.A. Ilizarov as a sign of their role in the formation of trauma and orthopedic schools in…