WBCT Imaging: An Emerging Modality in Orthopedics Itinerary: Introduction & technical overview of orthopedic weight…

WBCT Scientific Session at EFAS International Congress
The Weight-Bearing CT International Study Group (WBCT ISG) will host its next scientific session during the EFAS International Congress. The session, open to all attendees, will occur on October 5 between 12:30 and 2:00 pm in the Roma Meeting Room at the Starling Geneva Hotel and Conference Centre. Attendees can register for the scientific session at www.wbctstudygroup.com.
The WBCT ISG promotes dialogue and collaboration on weight-bearing CT research initiatives. Membership is comprised of global foot & ankle surgeons, and includes affiliate members from the radiology and biomechanical engineering disciplines.
Foot and ankle specialists from seven healthcare institutions representing the United States, Germany, Belgium and Finland will speak at the session. Group members are working to create standardized protocols for measurements and analysis.
Lunch will be provided to all participants in the scientific session.
The session, moderated by Dr. Francois Lintz, MD, will review the following topics:
o Results of a 5 year, 10,000 scans experience with WBCT. Impact on costs, radiation exposure and time spent; Presented by Dr. Martinus Richter MD, PhD
o Advanced imaging of syndesmotic injuries: where are we now and what can we do with weight-bearing CT; Presented by Dr. Shadpour Demehri, MD
o The use of distance mapping in combination with WBCT; Presented by Dr. Sorin Siegler, PhD
o Centre of rotation of the subtalar joint: novel research in the use of WBCT to assess dynamic function; Presented by Dr. Andrew Goldberg, MD
o Deformity corrections and 3D planning based on the WBCT; Presented by Dr. Kris Buedts, MD
o Use of Low dose WBCT in cartilage and bony lesions of the ankle; Presented by Dr. Oliver Michelsson, MD
o Three-dimensional modeling of the weight bearing ankle syndesmosis; Presented by Dr. Arne Burssens, MD
CurveBeam is a proud co-sponsor of the WBCT ISG.