24th World Scout Jamboree: Promoting Podiatry with Today’s Youth
CurveBeam was a proud to participate in the effort led by Dr. Bruce Blank, DPM, to promote the podiatric profession during the 24th annual World Scout Jamboree. Held July 22 to August 2, 2019, the World Jamboree hosted over 30,000 coed Scouts from 150 countries across six continents. The event took place at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in Mount Hope, West Virginia.

Dr. Blank, in alliance with the American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine (AACPM), designed the Podiatric Medical Exhibit to introduce Scouts and young leaders to modern-day Podiatric Medicine and Surgery. The exhibit tent showcased careers in podiatric medicine, engaging young students through hands-on exploration and lively workshop sessions led by DPM volunteers. The Podiatric Medicine Exhibit also allowed students a glimpse at the state-of-the-art technology that will be driving the future of the profession as well.
CurveBeam provided a display at the Podiatric Medicine Exhibit featuring its innovative weight bearing CT technology.
“Weight bearing CT has the potential to spur other technological advances, including biomechanically accurate 3D printed models of the foot and custom pre-operative guides,” said Vinti Singh, Director of Marketing for CurveBeam. ” CurveBeam is ecstatic for the opportunity to play a role in inspiring the next generation of medical innovators.”