Key Points: Weight Bearing CT (WBCT) helps visualize several structural and alignment differences between Progressive…

Weight Bearing CT for Hip & Knee Imaging
Common Indications
Osteotomy Planning

Patellar Instability

Hip Dysplasia

The Weight Bearing Difference
A 58-year-old patient with significant ankle pain sought a consultation with Dr. Walther. The patient had seen several orthopedic surgeons, one of whom had prescribed orthotics. However, the orthotics did not alleviate her pain. Her supine medical CT (MDCT) scan denoted only minimal arthritis. The patient could not get an MRI due to her pacemaker. Dr. Walther ordered a weight bearing CT (WBCT) scan, which revealed significantly reduced joint space. He performed a successful total ankle replacement on the patient three months later.

Cone Beam CT vs Supine CT

“A WBCT exam allows a completely new evaluation of many deformities. It allows axis misalignments, joint instabilities, or osteoarthritis to be better classified.”
Dr. Markus Walther, MD
Foot & Ankle MD
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(3) Willey, M. & University of Iowa. (n.d.). Measuring Hip Instability in Dysplastic Patients with Weight Bearing CT. Orthopedic Research Society 2022 Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, United States of America.