A recent publication in the online journal eLife has described the world’s first application of…

An Inside Look at CubeVue Autometrics
CubeVue Autometrics uses artificial intelligence to identify each individual bone and automatically calculates key biometrics of the foot. CubeVue Autometrics is investigational only and is not available for sale in the United States. CubeVue Autometrics will be powered by the CurveBeam Cloud, which will allow for seamless dataset upload to the platform.
CubeVue Autometrics uses Deep Learning to provide a fully segmented data set within in an hour with no manual inputs required. Data sets can be uploaded via .STL files into any supporting program or viewed directly in the web browser platform.
With Autometrics you can calculate key parameters, like the TALAS measurement (a 3D alignment tool), quantify the position and rotation relative to each other, and analyze the syndesmosis joint. A suite of commonly used angles including: intermetatarsal angle, hallux valgus angle, and talo-metatarsal are available.
Reports can be generated using angles calculated in a 3D environment and 2D projections overlayed into a single PDF or you can easily download multiple datasets onto a spreadsheet.